
At age 25 the last thing I wanted was acne. Although I had previously experienced the occasion teenage hormonal acne, it was nothing like what I experienced in my twenties. I began to have cystic, painful acne, my skin was constantly inflamed and red. I had scarring and discoloration. I lost all of my self esteem. When I couldn’t take it any longer I went to see my primary care doctor and to see a dermatologist. I was put through numerous tests. I had hormone testing, allergy testing, and even testing for diseases such as Celiac. After no concrete answer for my acne I was put on numerous antibiotics, hormone medications and tried 20 different topical ointments and creams. Nothing helped. Chronic antibiotic use came with many side effects and most of the topical creams just caused more irritation and often lead to hives. I thought this nightmare would never come to an end.  That nightmare was over when I met Elissa. She gave me a bottle of Simply Magic and promised it would cure my acne within a week. After trying multiple products I didn’t have much faith this would help, but this time it worked. I used Simply Magic twice daily, after I washed in the morning and after I washed before bed. Within one week I started seeing dramatic improvement in my skin. My acne was healing, the redness was relieved, and my scarring started to disappear. I have been using Simply Magic for 5 months now. I have not experienced any new cystic acne since the day I started using the product. i often get complements on how clear and flawless my skin is now. I finally feel confident in my skin and my appearance. Thank you Elissa!